Wednesday 22 February 2012

Lent 1

Happy Ash Wednesday!

I'm feeling quite excited about our little experiment.  We had a lovely Shrove Tuesday yesterday, and managed to do a 2 course meal of pancakes for 3 using only things we had in the cupboards anyway. All credit to the wonderful Jim for making it so!  Bella did really well too and even ate scrambled egg! 

We also decided not to do a massive shop yesterday and stock up on essentials.  Even though lots of people have been suggesting this is the only way to get through, we felt it was sort of missing the point.  It wouldn't really be giving up supermarkets would it!

In discussing our plan at work and with friends people are interested but no-one has offered to join us in our fast yet.  Opinion is divided as to whether we will spend more or less money as a result. 

Other discussions focus on what counts as a supermarket.  Obviously the likes of Sainsbury's, Tesco and the Co-op are out, but what about Wilkinson's, Marks and Spencer or Poundland?  Does Homebase count as part of Sainsbury's?  You get Nectar points there.  But then, if we can't frequent anywhere that offers Nectar points, does that mean I have to shun BP petrol stations too? 

Mainly though, people seem to think it would be a nice idea but not really practical.  We'll see!


  1. I think any shop that isn't part of a chain. Local, family etc.. So no to sainsburys pound land and m and s, homebase....then again it's easy for me to say this as I'm not taking part :) keep up the good work!!

  2. I'm inclined to believe that Supermarkets are just that.... super-markets, somewhere that sells everything you need.
    If your task was to give up commercialism (is this the right word when talking about chain stores?!), that would be another story, then I would say no you can't shop at Poundland, Wilko's etc.
    M&S is out of the question as it is a small supermarket.

    I think this task is quite enough limiting yourelf to Sains, Tesco etc.
    Good luck! :)

  3. We did consider it but whimped out. I think it's a fabulous idea. You've inspired us to at least restart our veg box. Go you!
